Archives for August 2012

Design Princple #2

Designing Intervals Organizational principles, in any art, are based on control of the intervals between elements. For the visual artist, such as the graphic designer, intervals exist in a spatial dimension: between shapes, sizes, colors, etc. The fundamental methods for organizing intervals are largely the same from art to art, and across dimensions.  Here are…

Vector art defined

Vector art is any digital artwork in which the shapes in the art are represented by mathematical equations within a computer. Geometric shapes like lines, waves, single points and curves are placed together by the artist to create an illustration while the computer keeps track of each item’s location, curve and relative proportion to the…

Graphic Design Principle #1

Design: Organizing Elements There are only a very few “elements” of design, and the graphic design process can be thought of as the meaningful organization of these elements. The elements of design, and their interactions, determine the visual character of every part of a design: type, text, graphics, backgrounds, etc. Good design begins, simply, with…